Being there is good
Sulphur crested cockatoos are one of the most beautiful visitors to our place. But not the one that showed up early one morning last week. Perched on our pool fence, it looked as sick as any bird I've ever seen. What to do?
Suddenly a swoosh and a healthy cockatoo took his place alongside his sick and miserable feathered friend. It didn't appear to talk or even look much, just offered the comfort of presence until they flew off together.
We can learn a lot from the world of nature.
We took six year old Ellie, four year old Noah and two year old Sian to South Bank the other day. They were keen to have another go at the jumping castle. Ellie and Noah could have gone up and down many times in their allocated time slot, but chose to slow down and help their little sister negotiate the ups and downs every time.
They didn't seem to give missing out a thought. Sian is their sister and they were looking out for her.
We can learn a lot from the world of children.
My brother Chris and his wife Cathy live in one of the worst hit suburbs of earthquake shattered Christchurch. Their home is in good shape and they invited a 91 year old neighbor to move in. For as long as he needs a home.
Over half their street have abandoned their homes and those who are left often gather at the end of the day for a wine and a catch up. They sit in camper chairs on the roadside, swapping stories and tears, continuing to share whatever resources they have.
We booked our tickets to Christchurch weeks prior to the Big Quake. We have several speaking engagements, but also planned time with family and friends.
Not wanting to inconvenience them, we offered not to come but they replied; "Please come. We need you here. We need family and friends around."
Christchurch is my home town and after 26 years in Brisbane we still have lots of connection there. Some of the time I imagine our best contribution will be to simply 'perch' alongside those who are wounded and weak.
Other times I guess we'll slow down and help them through the ups and downs of physical and emotional aftershock.
The world's best seller says. 'When someone is happy, be happy with them' and 'When someone cries, cry with them.'